How do we create personalised Talent experiences?

Personalised talent management is a talent management strategy that seeks to tailor experiences to each employee's unique strengths, needs, skills, and interests. Each employee is given a development plan based on how they are currently doing on the job and how they learn / develop best.

Personalised talent development experiences can be highly effective in engaging employees and helping them achieve their development objectives. By tailoring the talent development experience to the specific needs and interests of each individual, employees are more likely to be motivated. In this blog post, I will discuss some practical ways to personalise talent development experiences.

Let's take a closer look on possible ways we can achieve a personalised  learning experience  

Assess employee's Needs and Interests: One of the key ways to personalise your talent development and experiences is by assessing the employee's needs and interests. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or self-assessment tools. Once you have identified what and how employees want to develop and what their career goals are, you can tailor the talent experience to their specific needs. It is interesting how companies are simply missing the opportunity to conduct frequent talent development needs analysis, and simply base interventions on generic offerings. Talent development needs analysis should make out the cornerstone of offerings within the Human Capital teams. 

Offer Multiple Modalities: Once size does not fit all - people develop in different ways, so it's important to offer a variety of modalities (offerings) to accommodate different needs. Some employees may prefer being incentivised with more money, others want more time with family and others want something unique to them as individuals.  Providing a range of options can help employees engage with the Human Capital team more authentically. 

Provide Opportunities for Self-Directed Learning: personalised learning and development experiences should empower learners to take ownership of their learning. Providing opportunities for self-directed learning can be a great way to do this. This might include access to resources like articles, books, or online courses, or it might involve giving employees the freedom to explore topics they find interesting. Ensure that performance discussions include a portion of self-directed learning - how will it be measured? How will it be funded?  

Set Development Goals and Objectives: When employees have clear goals and objectives, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged. Setting goals can also help to focus on the employee experience and ensure that employees are making progress. When setting goals, make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 

Provide Feedback and Support: Feedback and support are essential components of personalised development experiences. Providing employees with regular feedback can help them to identify areas for improvement and stay on track. Support can come in many forms, such as mentorship, coaching, or access to subject matter experts.

Gamify the Talent Experience: Gamification is a great way to personalise talent development experiences. By incorporating game-like elements such as points, badges, or leaderboards, employees can be incentivised to engage with the Human Capital and reach their goals. 

Use Technology to Personalise Experiences: Technology can be a powerful tool for personalising development experiences. Intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive learning platforms, and machine learning algorithms can all be used to tailor the experience to the needs of individual learners.

Personalisation of development experiences is an essential component of an effective talent development program. 
