The nemeses of learning in a organization


Whilst we would all hope that businesses appreciate and value learning, the reality is that sometimes that is not the core focus of the business. Here are specific nemeses against learning in organizations and tips to overcome them: 

  1. Shallow learning - we are simply bombarded and indeed drowning in information. Shallow learning means skimping or glancing over the content and then thinking that we have mastered the topic we are studying. 

Possible workaround: we need to implement what we have learned or we have the risk that we will lose the content to simply being information noise. We need to internalise it. A great way to slay this nemesis of learning is to add coaching post learning and ask: what have you learned, how will you implement what you have learned, by when do you think your behaviour might change because of what you have learned? Internalise learning!

  1. Useless content - not all content is worth our time and attention.  

Possible workaround: the outcomes for learning need to link to your specific needs, this would imply however that you KNOW what you want to study or learn, and in most cases, we don't know what we don't know, so we have to rely on well-curated and trusted content. 

  1. Time for learning - most people have really great intentions to learn new stuff, but rarely set the time aside to work on it, and more importantly to integrate what they have learned. 

Possible workaround: time for learning should ideally be built into the business DNA - we have to focus on integrating a learning culture by allocating time for learning, implementing and post discussions.


  1. Sharing what we have learned with others - if we hog new information for ourselves we run the risk that those around us will not grow with us, and that can lead to team disintegration and power dynamics. 

Possible workaround: deliberate intentions information sharing sessions, where smaller groups and then larger groups are given time to share what they have learned. 
