
This is a  nice short video to watch around trust. Trust is such an important aspect in Learning and Development (in fact in most of our daily lives). If we do not have the trust of our clients / learners / others, we loose the plot of learning in the first place. How can we trust others to increase our performance? How can we trust others to know what we need to know, to grow? How do we trust our workplace to provide us with opportunities? Do we inspire, that others might trust us? What building blocks do we put in place for trust to take place?

From my perspective I think trust is something that is earned, but also to "let go" - and know when to let go and when to engage. Trust is about understanding a steady capacity of the world, a very unknown world.

WHO do you trust - and how do you grow it?

Anyway I leave you with more questions than answers, since I don't have answers, but I certainly can shine the light for you to find your own way on your learning journey.

Have fun learning!

