Green training for a sustainable future.

Green training for a sustainable future

I recently produced a high glossy colour manual for a training initiative of over 200 pages. It was a great pièce of work, but something inside me said that I knew the manual might be used for a while and then it will be chucked in a drawer somewhere and over a few months it might just be chucked in the permanent dustbin. So this got me thinking – is there a way that training can be more GREENER? Here are a few of my top tips to convert our Learning and Development departments and organizations into a more earth friendly GREENER initiative:
· Establish if the training solution truly warrants for a paper base solution, or would ’n online e learning type of intervention (including web and mobile) not be a sustainable option for the client.
· Start to track and report on your departments energy usage in getting a pièce of work completed for a client, and include this in your return of investment calculations.
· Have a robust waste reduction practise in the making – make sure that your own department is as green as can be – from car pooling to recycling, look around and start to clean up your own area of any waste or opportunities for recycling.
· Develop leadership courses on “going greener” and offer these courses in the most environmental friendliest way possible. Start from the top!
· Integrate environmental issues / courses in all curriculums for staff members
· Decide if your learning and development physical address is really that important – i.e. are you sure that consultants cant sit at home and design? Must they be at the office?
· Show your support for those organizations that promote environmental issues.

Just a few of my own thoughts.

