Top training trends 2012

The top learning trends for 2012 has been published. Following the recent economic downturn of 2011, it should come as no surprise that the top three training trends for 2012 are: Leadership development, basic sales training, and cross functionality. It seems that we are turning back to the basics in 2012 when it comes to training needs.

The focus on leadership has certainly seen over the last few years a move away from the typical M.B.A. graduate that “automatically and magically” has leadership skills after they try to master a magnitude of topics. What we are seeing is that even with an M.B.A. in hand, people are struggling to find their own leadership style. We have been bombarded with self-help books from a massive amount of leadership guru’s, and what we are mostly craving is true authentic leadership styles and skills. What does this mean for training? It simply means that we need to assist our current leaders to get to know themselves and their organizations again. Is there a magic bullet? The tools are certainly there, but it is going to be interesting to see how companies are addressing the current true leadership gap.

What the world needs now is people that are willing and able to run the ground work and have the required skills to sell, sell, sell. It is the tipping point of the commercial world. Spoken to a very well known sales trainer on the topic, she stated when I asked what types of training is going to be needed here? She smiled and said; nothing, people need to like you, and you need to like people. Its as simple as that when it comes to sales. She had a good point.
Cross functionality; when companies are downsizing, someone still has to do the work. So the cross functionality is becoming more and more critical. Knowledge management can play a very big part here, we need to document and distribute information and knowledge quickly and painlessly.

I am going to make a bold statement to say that my own prediction for training is that “personal entrepreneurship” is going to be THE topic for 2012 going into 2013. It combines leadership and personal mastery to another level. Personal entrepreneurship is all about running your life by design, and not default. Its about using yourself as a brand, as a commodity, a social revolutionist, self marketing guru. WHO beter to promote yourself then yourself?
