THINK differently

Recently read an article in one of my favorite magazines Harvard Business review around how great companies think differently.

The article read: "If companies are to serve a purpose beyond their business portfolios, CEOs must expand their investments to include employee empowerment, emotional engagement, values-based leadership, and related societal contributions."

Wow what a powerful statement!

Imagine if we can complete a Human Performance Improvement project / initiative and we use the following as additional criteria to our normal repertoire:

* How exactly have training interventions contributed to empowering employees?
* How can we assist in teaching others how to best have meaningful emotional engagement with one another, and how does that benefit the organization?
* How do we measure business support to learning interventions by means of a value-based leadership style?
* How has our proposed interventions contributed to the societies where our learners stem from?

Such powerful questions that can certainly assist us n thinking differently when we are dealing with our internal customers business problems.
