Quack like a duck or soar like an Eagle

Read such a wonderful article on customer service, in essence the journalist explained that when all is said and done, it simply boils down to creating those experiences for the customer that fit their needs, and how we can moan about it (quack like a duck) or we can really take off with it (soar like an eagle).

This got me thinking, how can Learning and Development create a great customer experience for our clients (the bulk of which is probably internal to the organization)?

My opinion is that we need to ask the right questions in the first place. By truly understanding what our clients needs are, and linking their needs back to the clients own strategy. For example:
How will this training intervention fit into your own strategy? What would happen if we don't do it? What are the critical mile stone? How would you like to receive feedback on your project? How often should we meet? What will make you really excited about this intervention? What will make you angry?

We need to route back to the basics of client service for our internal clients.
